It’s very easy to create an awesome looking website using tools such as WordPress, but sometimes we can become too lost in the design and completely mess up the content. Content is the main selling point of your website and so content should be your main focus. As Google says, “Content is King!”  In this article we list five mistakes commonly made by content designers.


1. Losing the intent of your website.

When creating the content of your website, you can sometimes become lost in the design. This results in losing the focus of the website. Every website should have a goal in mind such as conversions, informing your target audience, or receiving feedback on a product. Every element on the website, including the design, should work towards the goal. I personally remind my clients that the website is not for them but for their target market.


2. Having too many features.

It is easy to become caught up in all the cool new features available to web designers, but this can lead to problems. No matter how awesome the feature may be, if it’s not working effectively towards the goal of the website then it’s not needed. Before you add any new features to your website, think it through. If you can’t answer the question “How will this help my site?” then it’s probably not a good feature to add or perhaps its the not the right time to implement it.


3. Use color Effectively

Color plays two roles: it plays a large part in the design and it is used to highlight important content. Usually the highlighting color will contrast with the design color to draw the eye. In order to make the most of your content, use a color scheme that works well with your brand and then place contrasting colors effectively.


4. Page speed

If your website doesn’t load in under three seconds then most people will move on. Images in particular can really affect the load speed. While images are very important and useful as a content type, if they’re not the proper size they can add a huge load to the page weight and increase the page load time by a significant amount. Make sure you use programs such as Photoshop to reduce (optimize) the file size of your images.


5. Design Your Text To Sell

The actual text on the website is one of the most overlooked content types. Text is very important for selling and promoting your content, but sadly it’s often under-emphasized. Always take the time to design and format your content correctly, after all this is the element that will convince your customers that your product is worth buying.



Always remember when designing your content not to lose sight of the main goal of the website. Your design is only a backdrop to the content. While design elements, such as a color scheme, are very important, it is the actual content that gets the conversions. If your website isn’t accomplishing the goal that you want, contact us at for a free consultation.

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