Elements of a Great Homepage

Elements of a Great Homepage

A homepage is the most important page on your website. A great homepage provides a description of your services and business, provides easy to use navigation so that people can access the rest of your website, and also provides the first impression that people will...
Sitemaps: Benefits and Use

Sitemaps: Benefits and Use

Introduction Any book containing a large number of topics or information will have what we call an index page. This index page assists in helping the reader find the information that they are looking for quickly. Websites, especially large ones, benefit from having...
What Makes A Website Look Dated

What Makes A Website Look Dated

A website is essential for marketing your services in today’s world because the internet has become such a large part of most people’s lives. Websites are often the first impression your business will give. A dated website will give the impression that you...
Why You Should Hire a Web Designer

Why You Should Hire a Web Designer

The Importance of Web Sites Over 7 billion people are on the internet now-a-days, and most of them surf the web as part of their daily routine. It is absolutely essential for your business to have a website. It is incredibly convenient to search the web for whatever...
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Websites are still important for marketing your services online, but they are no longer the only online presence you can use. Social media is ingrained in most people’s lives; and with the rise of mobile devices, people are connected to their social media pages...
The Imperative of Responsive Web Design

The Imperative of Responsive Web Design

I have been designing websites for over 15+years now. About 10 years ago I made a commitment to design according to the W3C standards for html. I am glad I made that decision. It has allowed me to keep up to date with the changes with HTML and CSS. The changes that...