WordPress Permalink Structures

WordPress Permalink Structures

A permalink is the url of the content you publish in WordPress. Permalinks are a very important part of your website because this is how search engines and websites will link to your content.  You have the ability in WordPress to change the permalink structure of your...
Blog Optimization

Blog Optimization

Every company should have a blog. They’re great for marketing, engaging your audience, and driving traffic to your website (SEO). Sadly, however, some blogs just aren’t that great; or they may be great but they are just not doing what you want them to do....
4 Tips For A Great Site Launch

4 Tips For A Great Site Launch

One of the greatest assets a business can have is a website. Websites allow you to market to a  much larger audience than would otherwise be possible. Whether you’re having your website redesigned, or you’re having your first one built by a web designer,...
SEO Benefits Of Responsive Web Design

SEO Benefits Of Responsive Web Design

With all the mobile devices accessing the web today (about 30% of web traffic come from mobile devices), it’s become mandatory to have a website that fits all screens. This can be accomplished by having a separate website for mobile; but as we’ll see in...
How To Avoid Killing Your Conversion Rates

How To Avoid Killing Your Conversion Rates

In recent years the web has been accessed by more and more devices that come in all shapes and sizes. It’s pretty much mandatory that your website be mobile friendly in order to stay competitive. Nowadays your old fixed width/height website just isn’t good...